Monday 11 January 2010

Time for Bed, said Zebedee

I'll never learn.

Why, why, WHY do I still not know that if I have a drink on a Sunday, I am going to feel minging on a Monday?

It's 8.20pm and I'm about 10 minutes away from going to bed. Squidgey Niece stays up later than me and she's TWO YEARS OLD. Rock and roll, Badger, rock and roll.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

New Year, New Badger?

I feel my first post of 2010 should herald the fact that as of 5 days ago, the Ignorant Kiwi was no more. He has taken his PS3, his morning sexbangs and his piles of unwashed dishes, and f**ked off to make someone else's life a waking nightmare. Woo, and indeed, Yay.

And I can tell our friendship is going to last, I really can. I walked passed him at London Bridge station yesterday morning and we completely ignored each other.

So. New Year, New Badger. Or rather, New Year, Slightly Modified Badger. I've decided to stop beating myself up over failed resolutions this year (mainly due to the fact that because I needed to leave the Flat of Mould for a month and find temporary accommodation, I have broken, trampled on and let the rodent poo over what was meant to be last years Lifechanging Resolve). I'm going to enjoy 2010, and to totally bastardize a quote from John Hurt, I'm not going to have Guilty Pleasures, I'm going to enjoy my sins.