Thursday 28 May 2009

Just wondering

Is anyone else bored of Katie Price?

When is a Lolcat Like an Angry Badger?

When there are no pancakes in the immediate vicinity, that's when. Poor moggie.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

If Only They Knew

Ahhh, just back in front of my computer after a lovely Bank Holiday weekend, spent mainly in the sunshine and mainly with a glass of wine in my hand. No bad thing at all.

Girly chats dominated much of the weekend, and I can honestly say I haven't laughed so much in an age. All those guys who think we just talk about shoes and shopping, more fool you is all I can say. Topics discussed over the course of the weekend include:

- Bra sizes and how to measure them properly (with 'handy' uplift demo)
- Willies: How Small is Too Small?
- The unfortunate man who frequently pooed himself in bed and how it *may* have contributed to the breakdown of his relationship
- Is sex a more efficient hangover cure than nurofen?
- Bedroom Acrobatics: How many positions make it go from a friendly wriggle to an olympic standard gymnastics routine?
- Why Welsh speaking men shouldn't speak Welsh at the point of orgasm

I love being a girl sometimes.

Monday 18 May 2009

Broken, so broken

Saturday night was Eurovision night. My favourite night of the year and my favourite tradition - better than Christmas, better than Easter, I'd even go so far as to say it's better than Pancake Day.

The Streatham Jury excelled itself this year - I crawled into bed at 7am on Sunday morning, and on close examination of my camera last night some bastard had taken photos of me passed out on the sofa after the Eurowheel of Doom had delivered up its 89th shot of pernod. I am so broken.

But it's a good broken.