Thursday 25 June 2009

I'm grumpy because I hate you

This level of rage has got to be unhealthy, surely, but I really can't help it.

You would be grumpy too if in the course of 4 days:

- You had DESTROYED your favourite summer sandals
- Broken the lovely handbag you'd ONLY just fixed
- Had a number of bus journeys where the only reason for the wankstain driver's terrible driving was that HE WAS TRYING TO KILL YOU
- Had an ARMY of Polish painters invading the back garden at 8 in the morning trying to sneak a look at you as you got dressed
- Had about 3 hours sleep
- Smiled in greeting at a coworker and had him actively SCOWL at you

For f*ck's sake, this is making me write like I'm a Sun reporter. Find your happy place, Badger.

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