Thursday 19 November 2009

It's not you, it's me

I discovered this morning that somebody has 'unfollowed' me on Twitter. Not just me, I hasten to add, he was having a mass cull, but still, I'm sitting here being neurotic about it and feeling vaguely insulted. It's like I've been dumped.

It's no surprise that I'm single really. Maintaining your online persona is as much of a faff as dating, only with the added bonus of not having to shave your legs. Having to mask the real you to the online community, turning the volume down on your inner bitch, having to remember who can see your profiles and then not whine about those people. Of course, you could just make the decision to be a nice person but where's the fun in that? I actively enjoy hating 99% of the world's population. It's what endears me to, well, probably not the guy that blocked my tweets this morning.

His reason for culling so many of his followees (christ, when you write it down it sounds like a cult, doesn't it?) was that he had too many voices saying too many things, a common problem I think with so many forums for the world to spew its verbal diarrhoea... if it's that distracting though, turn your computer off. I have been tempted to sack off Facebook and Twitter, but I'm just paranoid that if I'm not on Facebook, I'll never get invited to anything ever again. Plus I'm so vain that I like to keep tabs of any photos of me that appear on there, untagging the really hideous ones.

I guess in the end I wasn't interesting enough for him. Stephen Fry threatened to quit Twitter last month because someone said he was boring. If The World's Cleverest Man is deemed boring, what chance is there for the rest of us mere mortals? I use Twitter to organise pub trips and to tell the chaps round the other side of the office that there are biscuits on my desk, not to broadcast my latest profound/sarcastic/hilarious aphorism. Oh well, plenty more fish in the sea I guess.

1 comment:

  1. :(

    I unfollowed everyone I already knew on Facebook, as people generally just repeat themselves – it's nothing personal! Plus I subscribe to The Badger!

    … but I am always interested in the location of biscuits, so I'll merrily refollow.
