Tuesday 21 October 2008


Is this the most deluded family in all of Christendom? This story really made me laugh on the way to work this morning. NOT ONLY did they encourage their daughter to audition for the X Factor, whereupon she was unsurprisingly shot down in flames for having all the talent of a lump of gerbil sh*t, they've been evicted and are now living in their car in a supermarket carpark. Not, as you may imagine, because they've had 130 complaints lodged against them by neighbours, nor because of the other arguments and disturbances they've caused. Ho noooooooo. They've been targetted "because of their size".

Well, excuse me.

Fat bastards they may be. You can almost smell the rancid turkey twizzler and sweat combination coming off them as you look at their picture, but being evicted cos they're overweight?

That's bollocks. I'm overweight. Being fat has never got me evicted. It's got me into some slightly embarrassing situations at dress fittings but that's about as far as it goes. Yes we may live in an age where obesity is a massive health threat, but it's become too easy an excuse for a microcosm of society who are too stupid to do anything but blame others for their own shortcomings.

Wake up and smell the full fat latte, Mr and Mrs Chawner. You were evicted because you are noisy, rude, and probably hell to live near. Not because you're salad dodgers.

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