Monday 1 December 2008


Reasons to be grumpy this December morning...

1. December insomnia. Every year, without fail, I am awake at stupid o'clock throughout December. I have no clue why, but I've got a pretty good idea that it's something to do with Christmas and paying for stuff with money I just don't have. Today, I was up at 6.20am, and I give it about a week before I'm watching movies and writing Christmas cards at 4am. The one advantage of December Insomnia this year is that I might actually get out of the house and into the gym before going to the office, although I couldn't do that this morning because...

2. I can't hear anything. Not in a temporary deafness way, more a kind of cumulative deafness way that has got worse over the last few years. Given my line of work, this is a Very Bad Thing. So I made an appointment with the nurse to get my ears syringed, as so many people, bored with me asking them to repeat everything, have urged me to do. For the past 4 days, I have put up with the quite frankly icky sensation of dropping oil into my ears to soften the wax before getting them degunked. And the nurse peers into my ears to ascertain how manky they really are, before telling me that they're perfectly clean and that syringing them would make no difference whatsoever and that I should probably go and see a proper doctor about it. Great.

3. I am nearly 30. Why then, am I suffering from a worse acne outbreak than I ever had when I was in my teens? Why? I have one particular beauty, just inside my nose, that has no head, hurts like all buggery and has given me, quite attractively, a fat lip and a trout pout. At this rate all the photos from my party this Friday will feature me doing my best impression of Leslie Ash whilst pissed on tequila.

Reasons Not To Be Grumpy...

1. My rodents still love me.

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