Friday 12 September 2008

Best advice I've had in ages

The 1st October marks the first anniverary of the Badger and Kiwi business, which we undertook after copious amounts of red wine and a crappy pay review at our old work place. It's been a fun year, but a tough year, and many's the time I've asked "Why on earth did we think this was a good idea??!". I mean, why would anybody in their right mind walk away from a secure, relatively well paid job with a respected company? And not even into another secure, relatively well paid job with a slightly more respected company, but into the wilderness of running your own company, with fuck-all security, minimal wages and only a funky logo to get you any respect? There are hundreds of reasons, none of them terribly interesting to anyone who's not my mum, but reading an industry magazine this morning, I came across an interview with Mark Roalfe, who set up Rainey Kelly Campbell and Roalfe/Y&R (and yes, the receptionist does have to say the whole name every time she answers the phone). He was talking about the first couple of years running RKCR and offering advice to people just setting out in advertising, and his last words seemed to sum up my past year, and the main reason we took that step out on our own:

"The early years were the most exhausting, nervous, sleepless, poverty-stricken and terrifying of my life. Which leads neatly to my final piece of advice: fuck it, you only get one chance."

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